School of Oceanography photographs, 1970-1972.


School of Oceanography photographs, 1970-1972.

The School of Oceanography Photographs consist of three images depicting oceanographic research conducted by Oregon State University faculty and graduate students that were assembled as part of the School's biennial report for 1970/1972. One image shows a three-meter trawl with trawlometers used to sample deep ocean stations; a second depicts a buoy being lowered into the ocean for studying the nature of upwelling between Seal Rock and Cascade Head on the Oregon Coast. The third image shows School of Oceanography geophysicists placing seismometers in the Klamath Falls, Oregon, area during exploratory studies of geothermal energy. All of the images are b/w photographic prints and have been assigned individual numbers P203:1 thru P203:3.

1 box.

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